Thus, the fair tactic of this page will have no need of begging pardon from anyone who holds a pro-China stance, particularly be they a rustic Chinese “intellectual” from Beijing working on his Master’s in Industrial Groupthink who has never received the slightest bit of training in genuine critical thinking (and will babble the protective mantra from all foreign evil, “you don’t understand China”…as if there were something arcane and unfathomable to understand about it beyond the dark, pervasive mystery of its gross ineptitude itself) or from a Western ex-pat from some unremarkable place on the soft, squishy side of liberalism who’s intellectual processes have been permanently adulterated by the ‘80’s PC movement (heaven forbid I encounter one steeped in "cultural neutrality" who will probably babble similar nonsense as his Chinese counterpart)- or even, but perhaps unlikely - from one of the Western business elite who walk a tight line on their own business blogs and elsewhere, never uttering more than a brief sentence of highly dissembled criticism of the Chinese for fear that it might ruin their business prospects if it ever got out what they really think. They will definitely question my position that China needs to cease being invested in and enriched in anyway.
But my hard line stance is this: no apology is needed because the more one truly understands the benighted legacy of China's ancient feudal value system and its continuance into its present day authoritarian police state, its impending environmental collapse due to ineptitude and greed (be it from having over-produced factories or having mindlessly over-reproduced children), and its increasingly questionable actions on the world stage, particularly in Africa, the more one realizes how greatly suspect an entity China is - and that this message needs to be pronounced loud and clear on the internet - whether some, such as the above, will like it or not. I assure you, I understand China just fine.
All the same, each and all are invited, should they ever find this address, to respond to this and subsequent postings. I will aim my best to rejoin every rebuttal accordingly, if only that I might assist each out of their delusion, being the Bodhisattva of Wrath that I am.
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