Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spanish Indictments of Bush Cabal : Ariba!

The Spanish Supreme Court appears imminently set to indict former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Federal Appeals Court Judge and former Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo, former Defense Department general counsel William J. Haynes II, Vice President Cheney’s former chief of staff David Addington, and former Undersecretary of Defense Douglas J. Feith. All are accused of having sanctioned the torture and mistreatment of prisoners held in U.S. detention in “the war on terror.” The latest news is that indictments could be handed down in the next 24 hours. A brief but comprehensive account of the matter is reported here. Of particular interest is the background on the investigating judge and the status of recent U.S. and Spanish relations.

Once the Spanish central criminal court in Madrid, the Audencia Nacional, issues warrants for their arrests, Spain will be known in America for more than just its windmills. What is of great value to understand is that this is not a question of "if". Madrid is clearly set to do this, and once done, 24 countries in Europe are obligated to enforce them. Dinner, I mean justice, is just inches away from being served. I'd especially like to see Addington's arrogant head on a platter. In my mind, he is the evil genius behind much of what went on in Cheney's office. Gonzales, the porky little pig that he is, the one who uttered the phrase, "ehbedeeb, ehbedeeb, ehdeebeh, I don't remember" approximately once every five minutes (64 times in 3 hours) in one of his most important testimonies before congress, would look great with an apple in his mouth. The rest of them can be raped into sangria. Of course, this banquet won't be complete with out El Jefe Bush flambeed and served for desert, some sort of good ol' Texas strawberry shortcake with his kidneys in the place of berries would be good. And let's not forget his good amigo, Dick Cheney. (Cheney strikes me as an after dinner cigar one would like smoke slowly and savoringly). Once court proceedings are under way, the popular wave of support for indictment of Bush officials will inevitably lead to Bush himself. I'm salivating already.

Lest I appear a tad bit bloodthirsty, I only want to say that I am hungry for justice and redemption and have been since Bush won a rigged Presidential election in 2000. I was eager to see Bush and cabal impeached for constitutional crimes, and followed that movement closely for over 2 years. The aforementioned having fallen through, I am now eager to see them tried in an international court of law. Bush is a war criminal responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of lives. He is responsible for the vast devastation of both the Iraqi and American societies in the name of a bogus war on terror. But this trial is potentially more than just about an international criminal verdict of the Bush administration. It is also places on high notice the entire American right wing that marched like good Germans in lock-step with him, either wittingly or unwittingly. And what has now become clear to almost everyone is a matter that I and my friends and family have known for years: the American right wing is comprised in its base of uneducated, rural rednecks who couldn't spell Afghanistan even if you spotted them all the vowels or Iraq if you left out the Q. It's surburban/urban support comes from meek, little technocrats who only want a nice, safe, hygenic and conservative world in which they can drive from a gated community to a glass tower everyday in order that they might be able to take a cruise ship every once in a while so they can think that they are alive. Their game is weak. Those in positions of power within the American right, the so-called "masters of the universe", have taken advantage of these poor, unwitting slobs for years. We've seen how they've run Wall St and the Fortune 500. It's time to end the Bush "legacy" and all those that have been complicit with it. Ariba!

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